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EMAC 2022 Annual

Ego Depletion and Product Saliency Moderate the Effect of Sponsorship Disclosure on Persuasion Knowledge Activation in Social Media Influencer Posts

Published: May 24, 2022


Jasper David Brüns, Technical University of Munich, School of Management; Martin Meißner, Technical University of Munich; Dorian Quelle, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford


Prior studies confirmed sponsorship disclosure effectiveness in terms of consumers better recognizing commercial motives, increased skepticism toward sponsored content, and less favorable marketing outcomes. This article advances influencer advertising research by demonstrating how disclosure is affected by two individual- and post-specific moderators: ego depletion and product saliency. Both moderators are important to consider in social media which are coined by consumers using platforms in an ego depleted state and by marketers using high saliency to increase attention to products in sponsored posts. We show that ego depletion and product saliency enhance disclosure effects. Furthermore, ego depletion reduces consumers’ total level of skepticism which subsequently attenuates overall EWOM intentions, brand attitudes, and purchase intentions. High product saliency raises recognition of commercial motives and skepticism toward corresponding posts, thus reducing EWOM intentions.